Monday 18 August 2008

Advertising does more harm than good to societies

Advertising does more harm than good to societies

Advertisement is a form of communications that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Some people thought that nowadays, the levels of advertising are too much. This is meant by wherever you go, there must be advertisements around you. Therefore, many people think that advertisement does more harm to societies than the goods.

The disadvantages of advertisement are that advertisement increase unnecessary desire which means that advertisement can make people to purchase something that they don't need to buy. Advertisement can also harm people who have low-self esteem, and lead unhealthy lifestyles because they feel they should be thinner and more attractive like the models they see in adverts. This leads to serious problems like eating-disorders and self-harm.

Many advertisements do more than just advertising products. Some try to make people feel inferior if they don't have the product or if they have something which the product would change. Advertising gives the impression especially to children that they can and should have everything they want. This makes people too interested in material things. People are becoming more selfish and obsessed with their possessions.

People in the business who advertised their products are actually only care about making profit. This means that they regularly advertise unhealthy or harmful things. Fast food adverts are a large part of the reason so many children are obese. As it stated above that advertising gives impression to children. Therefore, this proves the statement that ' Advertising does more harm than good to societies'.

Monday 11 August 2008

Analysis of Advertisements

Product: Institute
Brand name: Wall Street Intitute
Appeal: Band Wagon appeal
Person: A guy
Placement: At the right bottom of the ad
Point of View:
Persuasive Language:
Target Audience: This institute is for Adults who want to learn a better English Language

Product: Perfume
Brand name: Axe
Appeal: Sex Appeal
Person: None

Placement: Right side of the ad

Point of View: Posture: Persuasive Language:
Target Audience: Mostly women would buy this product.